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The Canadian Foundation for Development and Empowerment (CFDE) strives to create immediate, long-lasting changes by assisting children, youth, and young adults to operate at their highest potential, both academically and socially. 

The CFDE endeavors to free youth from social and financial barriers by providing school materials, information on community resources, counselling, and other personal support services in order to help those in need. Along with supporting students as they continue education, we also assist young people who have discontinued their schooling. We aim to help students reintroduce themselves into school or provide them with resources to explore and begin vocational training.

CFDE is working on projects that focus on STEM/STEAM (Science, Technology, Mathematics, Arts, and Engineering). With advancements throughout the world moving at a fast pace, STEM fields are becoming increasingly crucial. Our projects strive to get young people, especially young women, Indigenous youth, and youth who have discontinued schooling, interested in these subjects. Participation in STEM/STEAM will ensure their educational journey has many options that can lead to careers in fields relevant to the world's ongoing developments.

At CFDE we are working on ways to get youth engaged in the Arts. Many of us enjoy the Arts including music, theatre, paintings, and other visual arts. They enrich the world around us and bring us joy and new perspectives on the beauty surrounding us. But, did you know that they can also have a big impact on youth development? Art, social change, and young people have always walked together. Engaging youth in the ARTS can promote positive, powerful social change in countless art forms, including dance, music, graffiti art, and more. Young people can change the world in a lot of ways through the Arts. 

Working together to co-create artistic works can allow young people and adults to work across age barriers and divisions to create unity, community, and empowerment for everyone involved. Youth/adult partnerships can empower everyone to make and share what's in their hearts and on their minds, especially when they're focused on the Arts.


Empowering youth to strive academically and socially to reach their highest potential. At CFDE, we are determined to make positive and durable changes in the lives of youth, young adults, children, immigrant families, and communities by promoting scholastic achievement and providing tools for academic success.


At CFDE, our vision is to create a self-sustaining generation of youth and young adults. We want to be recognized as an organization leader that provides services and programs to aid/ease the learning process for low-income youth, immigrant youth, and young adults.



We highly value the effective collaboration of our staff and volunteers to accomplish our goals as a team.


We encourage diversity throughout our team and partnerships to present various perspectives and life experiences that will contribute to our journey.


We depend on innovation to determine various methods of providing opportunities for positive and effective educational experiences for young people.


At CFDE, our passionate staff and volunteers are dedicated to supporting the development of various initiatives and programs to provide youth with opportunities to grow and thrive both academically and personally.

Monica Crawford-Rokosh

Executive Director

Monica is responsible for overseeing all organizational activities and determining CFDE's overall strategy. With her frequent communications with the board, she ensures CFDE is well-equipped to meet its organizational goals.

Reem Mustafa


Volunteer Coordinator 

Business Analyst

Chi Chi Udeagbala

Business Analyst

Chi Chi is an experienced b​usiness analyst dedicated to improving decision-making across the organization. She disseminates efficient processes to ensure timely prioritization and completion of projects at CFDE.

Main Office

Canadian Foundation for Development and Empowerment

102-11808 St. Albert Trail NW.

Edmonton, AB. T5L 4G4

Phone/Fax: 587-557-1191


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